To save money and know exactly what you re putting on the carpet make your own carpet cleaning solutions from standard pantry and laundry room items.
Make your own rug cleaner.
It s really easy to make your own carpet cleaners at home that will leave your carpets smelling like fresh clean laundry.
Here are several excellent homemade carpet cleaning solution recipes for cleaning your carpet and getting rid of unsightly carpet stains.
Before you spend big bucks on a heavy duty over the counter rug shampoo try whipping up your own homemade carpet cleaner and giving dingy areas and errant stains a good scrub.
Store bought cleaning solution for carpet cleaners is quite expensive and typically doesn t have a pleasant scent.
Carpet shampoos and solutions designed for carpet cleaning machines can be quite expensive and may contain chemicals you d prefer not to use around the house.
For a mild non toxic cleaner that will leave your carpets smelling fresh mix white vinegar water salt and an essential oil like lemon lavender or pine.
This diy carpet cleaner cuts through dirt neutralizes odors and even has stain fighting properties.
The bissell 78h6b deep cleaning pro deep cleaning formula has been proven unbeatable versus the other leading products.
It contains twice the cleaning agents as different formulas helping make your carpet look good and stay cleaner.